6 Battle Tactics to Win the War of Lies
It's my pleasure to introduce you to Crystal Twaddell as she shares 6 powerful ways to take a Stand Against Satan's lies. Her powerful story has led her to God's unending mercy and will bring you encouragement and strength!

It’s the same old script playing over and over in my head, like the ticker scrolling across the nightly news reel.
At least now, I’ve learned to recognize it, and I know where it originates. But I long for the day when the all-too-familiar pain that accompanies the lie dissipates as quickly as it enters my heart.
The memory erupted last week, spilling over all ugly and oozing the evidence of a soul infection I thought no longer existed. The kind that spits out so fast, you have to catch your breath and take a minute to process “why this, and why now?”
You see, for the past 6 months I’ve been in the fight of my life.
A spiritual fight to silence the lies once and for all.
The lies the enemy cunningly pierced my heart with in the midst of childhood pain and abuse.
And although I’ve dealt with so many and pushed through to the life-giving truth of who God says I am, some of them still lie dormant. Triggered by marriage trauma and pushed to the surface by the pain and lies thriving in the heart of another.
He doesn’t mean to hurt me. It’s not his goal to bring pain. But he does. Because his lies are just as real as mine.
And when they come together on the battlefield of shame and blame, the enemy wins in the midst of spewing the darkest lies to create the perfect, destructive storm.
The kind that makes two hearts wonder how they ever came together, what they ever saw in each other and how they’ll ever make it to another day let alone to “happily-ever-after.”
And that’s how the enemy wins…over and over and over again. One child, one marriage, one life at a time.
And I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. I’m tired of giving ear to the lies.
“You don’t matter.”
“You’re unworthy.”
“You don’t have a voice.”
I’m tired of swallowing the dirty little secrets that keep me tied down and begging like a powerless victim.
“You’re too broken.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“You’ll never be free.”
I’m tired of giving ground to the enemy of my soul instead of advancing in the power and strength of the One who created my soul for so much more than this.
And I’m learning some things along the way.
Some tools to take me further into grace. Some tactics to carry me deeper into forgiveness. Some skills to help me navigate away from defeat and into freedom.
I’m learning to give myself grace.
When the lies chastise me into believing I should be over this by now, I remind myself how far I’ve come and give myself permission to rest in the strength and sovereignty of the God who is not bound by time.
“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6
I’m channeling curiosity instead of blame and shame.
When the gavel of judgement pounds loud against my heart walls, I’m choosing to ask questions and open my eyes to a broader picture of the battlefield…beyond right and wrong. Beyond black and white, because the battle of lies cannot be won without resounding strength of mercy and forgiveness.
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32
I’m creating space for soul care.
When the lies entangle my heart in anxiety, fear and worry, I’m practicing stepping into the calm assurance that my God has me, and He will shield me under His protective wings. I’m giving myself permission to feel all that my soul needs to release. To make a way for healing and grace.
“So don’t worry because I am with you. Don’t be afraid because I am your God. I will make you strong and help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” Isaiah 41:10
I’m becoming better acquainted with my battle armor.
When the arrows threaten to wound and cripple, I’m covering myself in the truth of God’s word and the strength of a righteousness not my own. I’m shoring up the weak places and learning to wield the sword through powerful and specific prayer.
“Put on God’s full armor. Then on the day of evil, you will be able to stand strong. And when you have finished the whole fight, you will still be standing. So stand strong, with the belt of truth tied around your waist and the protection of right living on your chest.” Ephesians 6:13-14
I’m building a strong support system.
When the battle rages heavy and the tears run hot, I’m learning to reach out and ask for another to come alongside me and offer support, encouragement and prayer. Instead of isolating, I’m letting others do the very thing I offer them in their battles. The strength and companionship of the sisterhood of God.
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ephesians 4:12
I’m learning to surrender.
When everything within me grapples for answers and the instinct to control tugs tight, I’m choosing to let go and trust that God will not abandon me. He will not leave me wounded and bleeding out. He’ll pick me up, carry my burden and speak truth into each and every lie.
“As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30

Crystal is an advocate of living outside of comfort zones as a means to unlocking hidden potential and experiencing God’s wild and uncontainable love. She writes on combining a little bit of intention with a lot of passion to create an overwhelming legacy of hope. She is the proud mother of a Professor of History, a Worship Pastor and a soon-to-be Biologist and also loves fresh markets, lattes and all things French.

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thanks very much those are full of encouragement and there’s hope of sharpening our vision and prevent the devil to attack us and follow god we are all god’s people not only some.
These are all such surefire ways to win the war of lies pitted against us. I’ve learned over the years that the enemy doesn’t play fair and he aims to kill. Learning to open up and be embraced by my sisters when I’m struggling has helped tremendously. God bless you for sharing! Thank you for posting on Salt & Light Linkup friend!
Thank you for sharing this! Great tips for when the lies begin, and we know they will. Having a game plan is important!
There seems to be a theme running though many of the blogs I read. Lies, dreams that seem lost, discouragement … Your story adds beautifully to what I believe God is speaking to many of us. That He’s with us. He’s in control. And we’re to focus on Him and not on the lies. Thanks so much for sharing some of your story.
Your words were filled with both the power of a warrior and the beauty of heart filled with love and compassion. I am praying right now for you as you continue the battle. You have already claimed so much victory and share that hope with us through your story and your words. But I know there is more to come! Thank you, friend, for these words. You are a blessing!
Sweet Lori, thank you for your encouragement and prayers and the reminder to walk in and claim the victory in the muck of the trenches. ?
Thank you so much for sharing Crystal! I too hear the lies playing on repeat in my head. Usually, they all relate to “not being good enough” or “I should be better and do more.” Your tips are simple and can be truly life changing. Recognizing the lies has been a big part for me and realizing I have to shut them down quickly, or it gets harder and harder to make them quiet.
Oh our lies are often so similar and equally as loud Jessica. I agree that choosing not to entertain the lies once we recognize them is so very important! Praying you experience continued victory as you move forward in your armor?
Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing with us. Satan sure can get the best of us. I am praying for you as I send this.
I am studying the Armor Of God right now and not 5 minutes ago did I let Satan mess with my insecurities and fears. This time it was about someone else not being strong enough and me being the savior. I didn’t even see it until I read your post. Now, I have to try and repair without causing more damage.
Thank you for your post.
Maree Dee. I am always in awe of how God weaves exactly what we need before our eyes and attention. Praying for God to give you clarity and wisdom as you move forward and asking His favor over you friend.
crystal – you are a beautiful fierce-warrior-woman and I’m proud to know you – I love the words of process that we can all relate to – carried deeper into grace, learning, covering, reaching – all of us til Glory. xx
This totally spoke me to day! This is something I’ve been working on this year and the battle feels really strong right now. Definitely need to take note of my battle tactics again.
Crystal, I’ve been there! The lies come swarming like locust intending to eradicate everything that is good. Our enemy certainly comes to steal and destroy. Our joy, our hope, our purpose! But, Oh but for the grace of God! Please know you are not alone. Healing is not easy but it is oh so possible. Standing with you in prayer sweet sister.
Oh you said it so well! And this is when we pray for God to restore all that the locust has eaten! Grateful to have you standing with me friend?
Crystal, isn’t it surprising when wounds we thought were healed split open? A book did that for me last year. I had to put it down. I believe God allows that to bring us deeper healing. But the enemy wants to use it to destroy us. Bravo for fighting the good fight of faith and helping us all as you do!
I believe the same Debbie, and thank you for the charge to continue the fight…not on our own but with full faith and armor!
Wonderful, Crystal. Ahhh. My soul drinks this message in. I had a hard day yesterday and heard the nagging voices of, “See, you really haven’t gotten anywhere all this time..” and I too am learning to catch it quicker and fill up on truth. These are all great and needed points. Thanks sweet, friend – you are a blessing! Praying for you as well. We all need it. š
I think we’re in a similar season. Asking Daddy to help us experience breakthrough exponentially greater than our struggle š
Praying you have a blessed weekend with time to rest, restore and refresh!
~Sherry Stahl
Oh Crystal, thank you for sharing with us! It’s so easy to listen to the all too familiar lies of the enemy. For years, I kept things a secret for fear of what others would think. All the while, the enemies voice of “you’re unworthy”, “unseen”, “you’re voice doesn’t matter” grew into a monster that consumed my life. You are worthy, Crystal, because He said you are. You do have a voice and it’s heard loud and clear on your blog. You matter to the Creator who beautifully fashioned you, knows every hair on your head and your thoughts when they’re afar. When we shine a light on those lies, they lose their strength and power. You are free because Jesus paid that ransom! Hugs and prayers as you walk through this valley. You are not alone in it!!
Esther, your words are sweet encouragement. The battle for all of us in the realm of lies is where the enemy can gain such a foothold if we are not aware and diligent to fight effectively and with the tools so readily available. It is a beautiful grace that we so not walk these valleys alone!
Praise God! Thanks for letting us see how you battle Crystal! It’s so important for other women of God to see someone battling the real issues that face so many of us. We need to see others fighting. We need to see God’s victory through it all… because those are the things the enemy doesn’t want us to see. (Because it’s powerful!) Thanks for sharing! š
Oh, there are too many days I don’t want others to see, but we are all in this fight together aren’t we Karissa! I love your encouragement here to come out of hiding and shine God’s glory through all of the fight. This is where hope grows and defeat dies.
Thanks for sharing these tactics, Crystal. It is so important to be aware of what the enemy is doing and to encourage one another in the fight.
Lesley, I think awareness is so key. It’s easy to want to live with blinders, but we simply can’t. The enemy prowls, seeking to destroy. And yes, what an amazing gift it is to seek out and stand with one another in the fight.
Love this, Crystal, that you are fighting and gaining ground, and that you are looking at the positive over the negative. The warrior spirit rising up within you is an awesome encouragement. Thanks for sharing this today. Blessings to you and Nicole, too! š
Thanks for your encouragement Kelly! Love the term “warrior spirit!” I’m going to keep that for the days like yesterday when the battle was overwhelmingly difficult. Be encouraged for your own freedom walk my friend!
Beautiful post. I actually got a little emotional reading it. I blame/shame myself a lot for things and I need to be more open to accepting His grace.
You are not alone Jill. It’s my experience that we often take on more than is ours to bear, and it’s all part of the deception and lies the enemy uses to destroy our hope in our Great Defender. Praying for you to be reminded of how forgiven and completely accepted you are! You can take that truth into victory with you:)
Sarah, I’ve read enough of your story to know this is true, and your journey is a source of strength to more than just me. The armor is such a crucial part of the fight, and I love the connection you make here of using it to stop the memories of past pain from keeping us on the defensive instead of the offensive. Such a great reminder!
” Iām practicing stepping into the calm assurance that my God has me…” — Beautiful, Crystal. Isn’t it funny how we have to “practice” that? I’ve been practicing a lot of that this summer too, and I’m so thankful for His grace and patience. He gives such good gifts and yet has to convince us to accept them. What a patient God. It’s hard, sometimes, to arrest those lies and not let them settle into your spirit…it takes discipline and practice! Lovely post, I don’t believe we’ve met before?? Nice to meet you, thanks for sharing Crystal with us today, Nicole. ((hug))
So true Brenda. I think it is a continual discipline because I know for me, difficult times tend to bring about forgetfulness and the lies sneak in and settle all over again. I share your gratitude for God’s patience, mercy, and longsuffering to love us unconditionally and continually gather us back under that perfect assurance. So nice to meet you also.
This is so beautifully written. Oh, how we all struggle
In the same way, being attacked by the lies. Putting our battle armor on and being prepared to fight the battle is the best way to fight them off.
And here we stand together Kristi, encouraging and sharing each other’s struggles. We never fight alone, and I’m convinced that shoring up our tender spots with the strength of another is part of gaining ground over the lies. Thanks for your encouragement. Praying for a strong, well-fitting armor that will carry you through the lies to the other side of freedom friend!
Crystal, I have been right where you are. I know exactly what that suffering feels like. You are taking the right steps in moving forward. The accuser still tries daily to defeat me with memories of past pain, but by putting on the armor you describe, I have become stronger and healthier. Praying God’s strength and peace for you, friend.