Sometimes God asks us to walk a path that we fear. It isn't easy, but you can face your fears with strength and confidence. These 3 things are essential to overcoming your fears and boldly following God's call..
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3 Ways to Face Your Fears with Strength and Confidence

It is possible to boldly face your fears with strength and confidence.

When I was a kid, I used to think that grown ups had no fears.

All I had to do was wait until I got older and I would never have to face a dreaded fear again. You and I both know I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I often find myself longing for that child-like innocence and bravery.

Now, when God asks me to walk into a feared situation or to take a path I dread, I find myself anxiety-ridden and begging for a way out.

Sometimes God asks us to walk a path that we fear. It isn't easy, but you can face your fears with strength and confidence. These 3 things are essential to overcoming your fears and boldly following God's call..

I’m sitting here in that exact place yet again. God has asked me to step forward and face a deep seated fear. I’ve battled with this fear for as long as I can remember and I’ve successfully avoided it for a long time.

So how do we face our fears with strength and confidence despite our minds urging us to run?

This is not the first difficult situation God has led me to. I know the struggle of fearing God will leave you. I know the desperation of complete weakness and overwhelm.

And yet God promises that He will never leave us and He promises that when we are weak, He is strong.

So as I prepare to walk this path, I want to share with you 3 key factors in facing your fears with strength and confidence.

1. Make Time with God a Priority

So often, in the midst of our most difficult times, we let our time with God slip to the backburner. Sometimes we are busy and other times we struggle to surrender.

But spending time with the Lord is essential to finding strength and confidence as you face your fears.

Jesus portrays the importance of spending time with God:

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. -Mark 1:35

He knew that his journey was long and so He withdrew to pray and be alone with God.

This time alone is what fuels us. It is what strengthens us. And it is what reminds us of God’s love and grace.

When you are called to face your fears, be sure to set aside time with God every day. When you do this, you will find that God strengthens and sustains you along the way.

2. Listen to the Truth - Not Your Feelings

When we are called down a difficult path, Satan is waiting and ready to do anything to keep you from God’s will.

Your feelings will scream at you as you step forward in facing your fear. This is normal.

Don’t run from your feelings. Instead, surrender them to God and know that feelings are temporary, but God’s truth remains the same no matter your circumstance.

It is essential to study God’s word and find His promises that are important to you in this time.

Sometimes, I write them in a journal and memorize them. Others, I need to post them on my wall and around my house so I see them constantly.

Do what you need to fill your mind with the truth. That way when Satan tries to attack, you can remain strong and confident.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6

It is often not clear how God is working as we struggle through a difficult time. But we have to lean on Him and trust that no matter what we feel, He is good and He is working for our good.

3. Find Accountability and Support

Oftentimes when we are struggling, nothing is more powerful and encouraging than a trusted friend or mentor to pray with and talk with.

I know that when I have struggled the most, it was my friends or mentors that could point me to Christ.

We were created to live in fellowship with one another. We are called to carry each others’ burdens.

If God is asking you to face your fear or to walk down a difficult path, reach out and find accountability and support. Find someone to pray for you and with you.

You weren’t meant to go at it alone.

As you walk towards facing your fears, be sure to spend time with God daily, to fill your mind and your heart with the truth and not let your feelings lead you, and to find support.

These three things are essential to finding strength and confidence as you face your fears.



  1. Nicole, this is so helpful – thank you. What you say about finding support is so true and is often where I miss out – it can be so hard to admit we are struggling. But Jesus put us together as a Christian family – “we weren’t meant to go it alone” 🙂

  2. This line! “Don’t run from your feelings. Instead, surrender them to God and know that feelings are temporary, but God’s truth remains the same no matter your circumstance.” Thank you!

  3. I wish it were true that grown-ups had no fears! 🙂 Your three suggestions to deal with fears are helpful. I’m so grateful we don’t have to go this alone. Thanks, Nicole.

  4. This is really good advice, and I’m finding that if I’m not intentional about fighting fear with truth, it doesn’t matter how old I am. Playing the grown up card is no weapon against fear, but the Word of God is living and powerful!

  5. Nicole, I’ve led a fear-filled life. But my time with God, filtering my feelings through God’s truth, and getting support from others has helped me develop strength and courage, just like you said. Sharing this post on FB, Twitter, and Pinterest!

  6. These are such important things to do to help us when facing fear. All of these ways have helped me when I’m feeling afraid to step out in faith. I pinned this to my Facing Fear board. Thank you, Nicole!

  7. Yes! Surrendering our feelings to God is so important. And I agree- as a kid, I didn’t think adults were afraid. I find there’s more awareness, more risk, more cause for fear as an adult. What a gift that God is our security and strength! Thanks for this!

  8. A wise woman I know said, “feelings are indicators, not dictators.” Be aware of the feelings and know what they tell you about what’s going on, but don’t be a slave to them.

  9. So true. Time with God and community with his people helps us to find his strength and courage to face whatever life throws at us. Thanks for this encouragement.

  10. good read, I like the part about listening to the truth not our feelings, oftentimes we let our feeling take the wheel and they always lead to more troubles (at least in my case).

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