How to Stand Firm Against Satan’s Lies
My life has been riddled with lies.
Lies about who I am. Lies about how I should be. Lies about where my worth rests.

Sometimes, I recognize these lies and attempt to stand against them. But more often than not, they permeate my every day and become a part of the beliefs about my own heart.
I’ve believed I’m not good enough because I’m not smart enough, strong enough or funny enough. I’ve believed I’m a failure when I’ve fallen short of expectation. I’ve spent my life striving endlessly to prove my worth in one area or the next.
What lies have seeped into your life?
In what areas are you striving to prove yourself?
When I reflect on these questions, I come face to face with the spiritual warfare in my life.
Satan knows exactly which areas of my life to press into to get me to find my worth in what I can do.
But in Ephesians 5:13, we are told, “All things become visible when exposed by the light.”
How do we fight these lies when our hearts are so caught up in them? How do we stand against Satan’s schemes when we struggle to believe the truth ourselves?
We must be prepared with the Word of God when Satan attempts to pull us away from our peace and joy in Christ.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, Satan tried to twist the Word and tempt Jesus to stray from God’s will. But Jesus knew the Scriptures well. He immediately responded, “For it is written…”
He knew the Scriptures. He’d prepared for a life of following God through trials and temptations.
When we struggle, we must know what the Word says about who we are and to whom we belong.
[bctt tweet="When we struggle, we must know what the Word says about who we are and to whom we belong." username="NicoleAKauffman"]
When we suffer, we must know what the Scriptures say about the Lord’s unending love and mercy and how He is working all things for our good.
Take time each day to study Scripture. Memorize the verses that point toward some of your most trying temptations.
And be ready when Satan tempts you. Because he will tempt you. But with preparation, you can be ready to stand for Christ and find strength and power in the Word of God.
We must speak truth no matter how we are feeling.
I often read it and reflect on it, and yet I still feel unrest.
There is power in proclaiming the truth loudly and boldly.
[bctt tweet="There is power in proclaiming the truth loudly and boldly." username="NicoleAKauffman"]
Find Scriptures that stand against the lies that you find yourself believing. Write it down, post it on your wall, memorize it and most all, proclaim it.
When I find myself believing that parts of my past define who I am, I call out the truth about it.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -2 Corinthians 5:17
When I see my heart drifting toward proving my worth in my actions and measuring up with what I do for others, I proclaim what the Word of God says about me.
And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. -Romans 11:6
We have been given the word of God as a weapon against Satan. We have the power to stand against his schemes.
Satan’s work is real and active everyday and so we must boldly proclaim the truth.
When Satan tries to tell you who you are, remind him whose you are.
When Satan tries to tell you that you don’t belong, remind him to whom you belong.

Find the truths that you struggle to remember in times of discouragement and suffering and proclaim them.
Speak them loudly. Even if you struggle to believe them, as you speak them aloud, you will find your confidence grows.
I often find that when I’m struggling, my prayers grow weaker. I become afraid that maybe God won’t answer. I begin to question if it even matters.
But we are called to approach the throne of God with boldness.
Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. -Hebrews 4:16
Christ was tempted and tried and yet He boldly stood against Satan. He approached the Lord with confidence in God’s will.
I’ve struggled to reconcile the pain in my life and the fear that God won’t answer my prayers, but I’ve learned that although I may not understand, the Lord knows what I need and He supplies grace in my weakness.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. -Proverbs 3:5
No matter how you feel, the Lord is working in you and for you.
We must stand up for the truth in a world so filled with lies.
[bctt tweet="We must stand up for the truth in a world so filled with lies." username="NicoleAKauffman"]
We must study the Scriptures and be prepared to proclaim them when we are tested. Although we may struggle in this world, we have the hope and joy of heaven to look toward.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. -2 Corinthians 4:17
Proclaim the truth and in doing so, you will stand against Satan and bring the glory of God into your life.

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I needed to real this. I have been struggling with depressing thoughts and has been interfering in my life and felt it was pulling me from God. No matter how hard I’m fighting. And I haven’t been able to explain or put into words. But all of this made be realize someone in this big world understands.
Are you sufferings intrusive thoughts
This sentence jumped right off my screen as I was nodding along with you and made me pause. ” When we struggle, we must know what the Word says about who we are and to whom we belong.”. Yes, ma’am! It is all about who we belong to, isn’t it?
My prayer for this year is ” Abba, I belong to you!” with a focus on all the promises that He reminds us of in Psalm 139. You reminded me of that today… of the necessity to wait in that prayer and hesitate in the power of belonging solely to God.
Thanks for sharing this at the #GraceMoments Community!
Thank you so much for this! I finally learned to recognize Satans lies and attacks . It’s taking me a really long time to realize it’s was Satans work behind all these attacks.. With constant prayer and studying God’s word and reading posts like yours enables and encourages me to prepare me for future attacks. Thank you so much Nicole nice work. God Bless you!
I’m so glad you found some encouragement here, Minu! There is so much power when we begin to recognize where the attacks are coming from! Keep fighting!
I need to do this more often: “We must speak truth no matter how we are feeling.” It’s easy to let our feelings rule our mind, instead of the other way around. Thanks for sharing these truths and encouraging us, Nicole!
YES! It is something I’ve been implementing more and there is SO much power over Satan when we do! Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!
Knowing God’s Word and daily walking in step with the Holy Spirit are vital if we are going to stand against the devil’s schemes. Thanks for sharing these truths at Literacy Musing Mondays. 🙂
I definitely agree, Brandi! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Great tips! I’ve believed Satan’s lies one too many times also. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Julie!
Great message about our identity in Christ Nicole. Visiting from #sittingamongfriends
Thanks, Angela! Our identity is such a skewed topic in today’s culture and Satan is hidden beneath all the lies we believe! So important to fight! Thanks for visiting 🙂
Good post, Nicole! This is something I have always struggled with too and these are great tips to combat it!
Thanks, Kristin! I’m glad you could find some encouragement here!
Thanks for this encouraging and powerful truth, Nicole! I battle lies too. Standing firm with you! XO
Thanks, Holley! I love that image, standing firm together as Christian women! So powerful!
Powerful truths here, Nicole. I have believed lies from the enemy for far too long. Your advice to Prepare, Proclaim, and Pray is practical and useful for standing firm. Visiting from #coffeeforyourheart.
Thanks, Sarah! Great to hear from you 🙂
I find it interesting that, after just posting an article about satan’s lies that bind, called The Twisted (Un)Truth, I’m coming across also recently published articles , like yours, about the same sort of thing. I had no intention of writing my post. It came out of a revelation I had three days ago, that I had been bound up in a lie from satan, for years. I had suffered guilt from a burden I was never intended to carry. But, now, I have been released from that guilt. Coincidence that I read an article about another woman’s guilt this morning? Or that I just read yours? I think not. I think satan has been coming at us with lies about ourselves for too long, and I believe the Lord is about to reveal to us, His perfect Truth! I am excited to see what He has in store!
Actually, wouldn’t it be a great idea to start a blog link-up about this?
“Breaking The Lies That Bind.”
Thank you for your beautifully written post!
It’s awesome when God works things out like that in our lives! Thank you for your kind words! And great suggestion about the link-up! Such a powerful image there 🙂
Satan is a liar and a thief! Thanks for sharing these great truths! May we all be women well equipped to withstand his wiles! Blessings!
I definitely agree, Liz! Thank you!
Let me add one more P – “praise” – praise knocks down the enemy!
Great addition, Andrea! Praise is definitely SO powerful!
Great post! It is so important to constantly remind ourselves of God’s truth and to proclaim it, otherwise it’s far too easy for the lies to take over our minds.
Thanks, Lesley!
Thanks for the encouragement today. Standing on the Word, praying God’s promises aloud is where we find wonderful victory.
Thanks, Kelly! So glad you stopped by 🙂
Thank you for this message. It’s a great reminder. I sometimes forget that Satan is telling me these lies, and I believe them as truths.
Definitely, Liz! I can do the same thing, it can be so easy to get mixed between lies and the truth. But God’s word has the power to expose the lies! Keep fighting 🙂
sigh! this is honestly what i needed to read and hear today. I can feel how Satan is trying to tempt me, fool me, and mess with me recently….and i am doing all these steps to stand BOLDLY against him. This is a wonderful post, and i hope whoever may be struggling with Satans lies will find comfort in knowing they can continue to proclaim on the name of the Lord and not be ashamed.
Thank you so much, Sue! I’m so glad that you are working to stand boldly against the lies. God will work in us when we do that! 🙂
Thank you I so needed to hear this right now! Crazy how God works sometimes 🙂 Scriptures are a strong foundation to hold onto!
Definitely, Megan! I’m glad you found encouragement here 🙂
OH, how I needed to read this and to absorb these Truths. I fall for his lies far too often and then sink further by them. I have been collecting this kind of Scriptures for myself, but have not spent time reading them, declaring them, praying them. Thank you…Thank you!!
Definitely, Linda! I do the same, I often read a verse and realize how much power there is to it. But it’s when I memorize and proclaim them that they actually transform my life! 🙂