Standing Against Satan’s Attacks on My Mind
I am so excited to welcome Gretchen Fleming in the Standing Against Satan series. Today, she shares her beautiful story of standing firm in one of the most viscous battlefield's against our enemy: our minds. Her words of wisdom and truth are powerful and lead us right into the arms of our Savior.
The battle is real with much at stake.
Everyday, I am either winning or losing. (And so are you by the way.)
[bctt tweet="The battle is real with much at stake. #StandAgainstSatan @FollowingHard @NicoleAKauffman"]
As a believer, I recognize that I am involved in a war BEYOND what my eyes can see. It is a spiritual war raging since Eve succumbed to the temptation in the garden and it continues to this day.
The moment I accepted Christ as my Savior, I entered a personal battle with a real enemy.
Ephesians 6:10-12 teaches me this reality with added insight.
“ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
The sobering truth from this Scripture rattles my sheltered existence.
- There is a real battle with a real enemy.
- I have something at stake in this battle.
- I am expected to personally engage in this fight.
- I am to suit up and stand firm against the devil’s schemes.
- God commands me to be strong and equips through His mighty power.
- My fight is not with the flesh and blood I see, but with the spiritual forces at play.
Although I am not living in a country yet where hand to hand combat is taking place because of my faith in Christ, I am nonetheless engaged in a personal struggle. It occurs daily, relentlessly……. in my mind.
God is teaching me some revealing truths about myself this year and it deals with the inward, ongoing battle of thoughts and emotions. Though the words that reverberate in my mind may be from flesh and blood, I know the REAL enemy is not them but the accuser of the brethren. The word “satan” means accuser and he is described as one who accuses believers before God day and night (Revelation 12:10).
My enemy not only accuses me before God, he accuses me through the words of others and my own self-talk.
In recent months, I am learning that I have strongholds- areas where I have strong beliefs in the wrong things. I allow what I falsely believe about myself or from others to control my thoughts and feelings.
In essence, I am choosing to believe falsehood more than the views of my Savior.
I am either accepting the truth of Jesus or the lies of Satan.
The battle is NOT with others who are saying or doing things that cause me pain. They are not the “enemy” but rather, unwitting victims themselves. At all times, we each are either cooperating with our Heavenly Father for His kingdom of Light or with the enemy for his kingdom of darkness.
This means I have a choice, even a responsibility, in how I process what I hear from others or from my own self-talk.
[bctt tweet="I have a choice, even a responsibility, in how I process what I hear from others or from my own self-talk. #StandAgainstSatan @FollowingHard @NicoleAKauffman"]
Therefore, the true battlefield is in my mind with the enemy of my soul.
So if that’s the case, now what?
Recently, several lessons from Scripture have helped me take a stand by engaging the battle where it belongs, not in a war of words with others, but in the reasoning of my mind.
1. I am not at the mercy of falsehood.
I am not bound by it nor chained to it.
No one else has the right to declare their viewpoint as supreme. What God says of me, what He does or doesn’t convict me of, is what reigns supreme. Through Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, through God’s Holy Word, through His indwelling Holy Spirit, I have what I need for the ability to demolish strongholds in my life.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
2. I have the ability to stand against the schemes of the enemy.
Because I have a choice in what I do with a lie from Satan, I am able to reject it or receive it. If my mind is governed by my flesh which feels pain and longs to be vindicated, then I am becoming bound by the accusation or condemnation I hear.
But if I am governed by the Spirit and living more by what I listen to from God, then I will be able to enjoy life and peace.
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6
3. I can leave it with God.
Even when I am misunderstood, maligned, or manipulated, I can take it to God and leave it there.
In the end, He is the final Judge and the only one worthy of my concern over the matter. Unless He convicts, then I can freely move on with peace of mind.
“For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God…..To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps…… When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” 1 Peter 2:19,21,23
I see the value in what God has been allowing. He is teaching me the freedom found only through taking my stand against the enemy warfare going on inwardly.
If I allow the words of falsehood to continually swirl around in my mind, I am cooperating with the enemy’s scheme.
I would rather choose freedom. Wouldn’t you?
Gretchen's passion is to follow hard after Jesus, knowing He is the treasure of a lifetime and worth every minute she commits to Him. God’s Word has been life-changing to her through the most trying times—a great source of strength, wisdom, and truth. She's a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who loves to see Jesus change lives as He’s changed hers. Gretchen is a wife of 28 years and mother of 3 young adult children, gratefully giving full time to ministry. She would love the opportunity to come speak at your next retreat or conference!
I am so in agreement with you, Gretchen. We not only share the same viewpoints,gifts and passions, but also a name! Thank you for spreading true encouragement 😊
My pleasure Gretchen and how cool is that?! Lol
I am a sinner that believes in christ but for some reason every time I repent satan has put these perveted things in my mind towards God. I have to pray and sometimes I hate myself because I don’t think Im strong enough to fight..Until one day I just ignored the voice in my mind but its weird to because it was almost as if God gave me the strength to ignore the evil voices. I just wonder sometimes am I forgiven so I can keep pursuing God
If you have places your trust in Christ for salvation from your sin then that is the final word on the matter. The thoughts that pop in our head, we are not always the source of them. Ignoring awful thoughts and instead reading the Word or reciting a Bible verse is very helpful. We have the opportunity to continue to think on such thoughts or turn away from them and think on something different. I use worship music and prayer and the Bible to help counter harmful thoughts.
I have been cooperating with the enemy’s schemes for a while now and cant seem to be set free. I try to cry out and repent and fight but I feel like I have lost my soul. I feel like the enemy has already won the battle for my soul.
I would ask you if you are attending a local church, if you are in community with other Christian believers, if you are reading the Word and praying. Those things will help you grow strong in your faith. Also turning from things that are against God’s plan for you will help. We cannot knowingly choose sinful things and expect to feel full of faith. But getting more involved in local church, Christian community, the Bible and such will help you fight against temptation. Go to your pastor and ask for help in any area that is causing you to stumble. Join a Bible study with other women and you will begin to grow stronger.
Dear Gretchen
How do i get my daughter to believe in God and Chris again ?
I believe that only God can open her heart to respond to the Gospel but as her parent, you can continuously pray for this to happen and love her as God loves us. Lavishly, unconditionally and in truth. I would incorporate fasting along with prayer. Until you see this prodigal return, beseech God for it through both of these means. Remind yourself often how lovingly and strategically the Loving Father woos His prodigals back. Luke 15 is great comfort about this. I would pray Scripture which is a powerful weapon of offense on our behalf. I would also keep speaking of God occasionally, not to berate her about Him but as a natural testimony of Him in your daily life. Enlist the prayer support of your church family for this desire as well. Praying for her now friend!
Thank you for this post. I can’t even say how much I appreciate this. I KNOW all this but I need/needed to be reminded and reassured, especially in these days surrounding me, as I feel his attack, so much more lately, especially where my family is concerned. I have this almost constant sense of impending doom lately, most of it stemming from a situation with my adult kids (some of it stemming from a strange work situation). I’m most concerned with my adult kids. It’s just SO bizarre how it’s all playing out. I know it’s the enemy! I get that impending doom feeling (*for no reason*) in times past and I just remind myself of the Truth and pray and speak against it but this… this is just plain hard! When it’s worse I literally go through the house praying out loud, trying to literally pray loudly, renouncing lies and speaking Truth. It’s accurate to say I feel the enemy is raging and I’m caught up in it. I don’t feel significant enough to warrant so much attention from the enemy but I wonder if it really is because his time is that Short. He wants my kids. I want to feel like my prayers are effective. I can’t make them see the Truth. I don’t know what is happening with my prayers. What is happening that I can’t see?
I’m not exactly sure what is happening either Stacey but I still think we can know how to respond. You are doing well by remembering Truth and praying. Those are wonderful responses. I would use Scripture to pray because I have found God’s Word to be so powerful. The enemy cannot withstand God’s eternal Word. Then trust God to uphold His Word and work in your life and theirs. Lifting you and yours up now friend.
I have been so beaten down in my mind, I mean the enemy has rooted in a stronghold against me , I stay on my face before God with it humbly cry out.
I was strong in the Lord once , but 2 years ago my whole world crashed around me when my husband’s long affair came out , plus I was infected with std and I’m still worried over tests in the future now…It killed who I was and my strength and it changed me , not for the good, I’m aware and I’m so ashamed and I’m angry with myself too that I allowed myself to sink into such deep depression and anger that just took over my mind – nothing kind everything was negative.
Well now that I’m fighting for my mind back the devil hates me even more and He is attacking my worship of the one True Sovereign God and rooted fear into me that gives me anxiety and severe panic attacks to the point where I just fall on my face in worship no matter where I am just to get the thoughts from coming against me.
I love God with my Heart, I love His Son and I’m filled with the Holy Spirit, but I’ve turned into a “Coward” and actually fearing the devil.
And it’s pretty painful to my soul and very grievous to the Holy Spirit.
There is root to it , before you decide what you will about me;
My father was very mentally ill, schizophrenia and abusing everybody when the episodes occurred, well I saw and heard and went through things y’all could never imagine. And the way my daddy cursed God , and such things – y’all I have had a fear of that all my life that That would or could happen to me too; I thought God removed from me long ago before I came into my 30’s , I’m 42 now, and I’m affected horribly by this right now, and I even am fearful God is mad at me for the things that come against me in my mind , that’s not my heart , that’s not who I am nor desire to be ,
I definitely desire the heart of Jesus and to walk humbly and in forgiveness and in the righteousness of Christ. And to think correctly and to not be vulnerable nor cowardly, but to be like Jesus said to be wise as snake but gentle as a lamb. And to fight this battle with the whole Armor of God.
I’m studying and staying in prayer that this stronghold the enemy has taken up against my mind be broken.
I do believe God’s word and do proclaim it and do know the battle is spiritual but I’m left nearly trembling in fear at moments and once I get up off my knees from worshiping Jesus I’m able to fight back, but I’m praying for the the full Breakthrough! I want this test over with, and I hope that telling my ordeal here will help cancel the enemy’s assignment against my mind.
I ask for prayer and I think this is the best thing I’ve read all day , and it helped me reveal my secret torture that I’ve gone through for weeks and weeks now because I’m doing every little bit , everything I can to turn my mind back into Biblical based thinking as I was before the infidelity ruined me , and I do accept I allowed that , but I’m not allowing this , I’m not trying to allow the attacking of my mind to make me feel physical fear in my flesh and causing me to worry if I’m going to lose my salvation due to the way I’m being attacked .
I mean y’all I have had some very hard days where I truly have stayed on my face all day in tears before God over these attacks.
All I ask is y’all pray for me .
I will not stop knocking, keeping seeking , and staying humble and I will not stop declaring God’s Infallible Word as the real truth about His true love and true thoughts of me.
Just Pray for me please to be strengthened in my battle for my mind.
Oh Viv, I’m so sorry it took me this long to read your comment here. I will most definitely be praying for you sister. I’m so sorry for your heartache with your husband and the medical issues. It sounds like you are doing everything I would be doing. Time in the Word, using it as an offensive weapon against the enemy and his falsehood/schemes, time in prayer and time spent worshiping. I don’t know if you are in a local community of believers or not but I found that during my most difficult seasons, my fellowship group from church was instrumental in my ability to persevere. Their support made a huge difference. I valued their encouragement, prayer, and perspective when I had lost mine.
I have always valued how Jesus fought His battle of temptation. He did not entertain the words of the devil but countered them the next moment with God’s Truth. Having Scripture ready and available for the lies of the enemy help me to answer back powerfully when he tries to hound me. I would look up relevant Scripture and write them on cards to keep with me throughout the day.
I also benefited from getting back to serving others in the body of Christ. That helped me get my mind off of myself and my worries.
Praying for you now Viv.
I was lead here this morning by our Father. This I know! I am going through araging battle! I don’t know how to love my grown son the best way for him. He is using meth and has become angry, abusive and also lost his job. His family of five have taken over my home. It is trashed. I have been weak and just stayed in my bed. His constant yelling and aggressive behavior has made me little afraid of him. This is gut-wrenching and embarrassing all at the same time. Please pray for me!! I dont know how to kick him out plus his girlfriend too. I am so confused my confidence is shattered.
Praying for you, Tresh. Sounds like God is walking you through some painful times. I hope that you can find encouragement and keep your eyes on Him today.
I am so sorry to hear of this turmoil in your life, especially the addiction of your son! I am lifting you up and hope you are able to reach out for help from your local church community. I know that the support from my own church family has been a lifesaver in my life so I pray you and your family can benefit as well from yours.
You say “Unless He convicts, then I can freely move on with peace of mind.” I feel like sometimes we determine that God should be convicting us of certain things, and in this way the enemy gets it and actually has us convicting ourselves. This is a great example of why we need to be in a relationship with God, so He can speak to us, and so we can dwell in his grace and peace. Great post.
Thanks Jen! I am especially guilty to self-condemnation and shame. I have had to learn the difference between God convicting and satan shaming and me self-condemning. There has been such freedom since I have been more mindful of what is actually going on in my head. God’s conviction brings life and freedom. Examination of our thought life is crucial to overcome the enemy’s schemes. Being clueless has its consequences.
Hello there! Reading through your comments, it seems like we have a lot in common! I tend to be an over-thinker and convict myself of wrong even if there was no wrong. This leads to a lot of anxiety and confusion between what is true (God-convicting me) and the enemy manipulating me. Can you share what you’ve learned about the difference between “god-convicting, satan shaming and self-convicting?” Thanks so much!
Yes, yes, yes. So good. I love how you emphasize that we are not bound to any lies or misconceptions. That is brilliant and empowering. We are only bound to Christ and with that we have the mind of Christ. Thanks for this fantastic and encouraging post.
So glad Allie that God used it to bless you:) Freedom is worth fighting for! Thanks for your encouragement ?
I love this so much! Needed it and will reference a lot of this as often as possible and hopefully have some victory soon! Thank you so much for this article!!
I’m so glad it was useful for you Leksie! Blessings!
I can relate to this:
The battle is NOT with others who are saying or doing things that cause me pain. They are not the “enemy” but rather, unwitting victims themselves. At all times, we each are either cooperating with our Heavenly Father for His kingdom of Light or with the enemy for his kingdom of darkness.
This means I have a choice, even a responsibility, in how I process what I hear from others or from my own self-talk.
The enemy has been winning this battle over me. I am so tired already on the blame game. I am praying that I will finally forgive 100% those who wronged me and forgive myself as well.
I can understand. This battle takes place in our thought life. I find when I am trying to forgive others, every time a thought pops into my mind about the hurt of it all, I counter it with the power in God’s Word, citing Scripture to myself on what I am needing to do. I then try and praise God for what He is able to do in the situation. I confess my inability to forgive and move on without the help of His Holy Spirit. If we are able to repent and praise when we feel bitter, then the devil will quit trying to stir it up in us. It is when we nurse our hurts in our life, justifying our right to the pain and blame that we become stuck. I have seen bitterness destroy people and I want no part of it. Too many Christians are falling victim to the enemy’s scheme when we are hurt in life and we are allowing him to compromise our spiritual and emotional health. Obeying God’s Word brings freedom for us though and for that I am desperately grateful to escape the captivity of the cycle.
So, what should be the response to those who are used of the enemy to attack you with lies on a regular basis?
I think that depends on who they are – family, friends, a boss, co-worker…….I know I have sought a counselor’s advice at times when I was needing to draw some boundaries with relationships in my life. I also read a great book teaching me how to do this, “Boundaries “. God taught me I don’t need to be anyone’s doormat in an effort to glorify Him. Condoning sin or tolerating abuse does not honor God. I also learned that holding others accountable for their actions toward me did honor Him. Sin allowed to run rampant only leads to more sin. In some of my relationships that were toxic, ( this is a great article I have distanced myself from them. I cannot love them to emotional health. I’m not responsible for them. But in other relationships that I need to remain closer, I have still drawn boundary lines on what I will tolerate. I will speak up against falsehood and hostility, even leaving their presence when hatefulness is ensuing. I am also learning how to process their words differently so that I am not allowing their accusations and condemnation to become my identity. This is difficult for me because my love language is encouraging words and I am a people-pleaser, as well as over-responsible. So this means my natural tendency is to try and fix their view of me or their problems or change myself so that they finally approve of me. Jesus is teaching me how to love fully, agapeo love which means to love them in truth and in their best interest, without entrusting myself to them. I don’t need their approval. I have God’s through Jesus Christ. That brings freedom like never before and I am able to love them as best as I know how and leave the rest with God. Jesus was not controlled or manipulated by others. He loved fully without entering in to the dysfunction of others and cooperating in their perverse views. I am enjoying freedom and peace like never before so I am thrilled with the progress God is granting me but it has been a long battle. God has allowed these relationships to teach me how to break free from the captivity from people-pleasing and over-responsibility. I am able to listen to His voice over the falsehood of people in my life. That is powerful and possible! I hope this helps:)
Thank you for this teaching, satan’s attack on my mind. I believe it is by God’s divine appointment that l set my eyes on it and chose to read it. God spoke to me clearly. I would appreciate further help on this subject. I choose to break free in Jesus name.
The battlefield of the mind is such a relentless one. I just love all of the points you have made here on how to combat the enemy’s attacks. I am choosing your post for this coming week’s feature at Salt & Light Linkup! Thank you for sharing!
Awesome! Thanks so much! ???
The attacks of the Enemy have been going on since the beginning of time.
We are no match for Satan, but God! Does give us the power to Stand, Be Empowered and not to be Fearful in the face of Confrontation & Adversity. Because we can be Victorious in Christ. Amen.
100% agree with this statement: “I am either accepting the truth of Jesus or the lies of Satan.” I’ve also been meditating and writing on this very subject! It’s wonderful to get to help people with that battle going on in the mind! The Word of God shines a light on the lies of the enemy!
Doesn’t it though?! So grateful for the Word giving light to our lives and power for our faith!
Yes, I would rather choose freedom! We give the enemy so much power with our minds. We must stand strong against him with our armor on. Your post was packed with power. Thank you. Maree
Thanks so much Maree!
I did a lot of study on this, I believe the armor is the Holy Spirit, just like the way Goliath was brought down with a rock ( Jesus ) and the name of the Lord. Remember Saul’s armor was too heavy. We are weak but He is strong, I don’t think we can stand against the accuser alone, after all he has no right to go before God like in Job’s day, Jesus blood is there now.
Agree Rebecca, we need the blood of Jesus and His Holy Spirit to fight this war. Blessings!
Wonderful post and something I need to read over and over. Thanks!
My pleasure and thanks for your encouragement!
So glad we’re not fighting this battle on our own but equipped by God and His Spirit.
Absolutely and thank God for that! Can you imagine if it were all up to us?! ??
Great points to remember, Gretchen. I love Ephesians 6, the Armour of God, where we are told three times to stand and once to withstand against the enemy, and having done all, remain standing. And yes, I choose freedom in Christ too!
Stopped by via Salt & Light Link up.
He makes it clear doesn’t He? ? He means business when He says it so many times. We are to STAND! Can’t you just picture the battle at hand yet a strong warrior standing firm? I love that passage too:)
I love number 1 on your list. In Christ we are set free from every stronghold, including the lies and of the enemy. When we feel stuck, it is just a smoke screen to make us think we can’t break free. But we actually have the power through God’s Word and the name of Jesus to send the spirit of lies packing. Praise Jesus! 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
Amen Ruth! Falsehood has no stronghold on us as Believers. We are not captive to anything contrary to God and His truth.
You are very knowledgeable about these subjects! Glad you are working with God.
Thank you and me too😉
Yes! I would rather choose freedom. I have found myself reading quite a bit about standing against the enemy lately. God is certainly teaching me about this spiritual war we are in. And out best defenses? Prayer and trusting in Him.
Well said! And yes, freedom is so much better👌
Gretchen, this is a powerful post. I agree, the war is waged in my mind daily, and self-talk often defeats me. I am growing in faith, and that’s helping me wage war against the enemy.
Isn’t progress encouraging and isn’t God’s Word key to understanding how to fight most strategically? So glad you are seeing growth Sarah in silencing the self-talk!? Sometimes I am flabbergasted at what goes through my mind. ?
So important to know we have a choice to accept one thought over the other and rely on our faith! xo!!
Amen !
There is a reality that I think many Christians fail to (or don’t want to) think about and that is Satan is real and out to kill/destroy! And while I don’t necessarily think we need to be thinking about him all the time, what Gretchen says here is spot on!
Well said ! I agree!
Thanks, Gretchen, for these powerful words. I ask myself from time to time: What would you do to a friend who lied to you as often as your feelings have?” I need a steady stream of truth coming into my mind in order to fuel it for the fight to live out of truth and to stand on a solid foundation of truth.
So true Michele! ?