Healing From the Lies of Abuse
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Healing From the Lies of Abuse

I am so happy to introduce you to Wendy Munsell in this next post in the Standing Against Satan Series. I am blessed beyond belief with her powerful and honest words of pain and healing. This post offers a tremendous amount of truth into a very difficult situation. Read on to hear Wendy’s beautiful story…

Fighting the Battle Against Satan’s Attacks on Your Home
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Fighting the Battle Against Satan’s Attacks on Your Home

Today I’m thrilled to welcome Carmen Brown to the Standing Against Satan Series. She gives us an honest and powerful look at the battle that goes on within the walls of our homes and how we can take a stand against the Enemy’s attempts to steal our peace and our joy. There is power in…

How to Stand Firm Against Satan’s Lies
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How to Stand Firm Against Satan’s Lies

My life has been riddled with lies.Lies about who I am. Lies about how I should be. Lies about where my worth rests.  Sometimes, I recognize these lies and attempt to stand against them. But more often than not, they permeate my every day and become a part of the beliefs about my own heart.I’ve…

Overcoming the Pain of Disappointment
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Overcoming the Pain of Disappointment

How often have you been disappointed this week?It can be something smaller like the cancellation of long-awaited plans or your spouse forgetting their commitment to help with the laundry. Or it may be something much bigger like the death of a dream, the loss of a job, a shattered friendship or a broken marriage.The harsh…

Finding Hope in a Moment of Despair
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Finding Hope in a Moment of Despair

Have you ever been slammed with news that left you reeling? Emotions high and hope seeming to slip through your fingers?I’ve had so many moments like this.    …news from a doctor   …a fight with a family member   …”no” to a long awaited prayerThese moments happen often, and yet, for so long, I let my emotions…