Prayers for Family: Specific Encouragement & Prayers for Your Family

Prayers for Family: Specific Encouragement & Prayers for Your Family

We know prayer is important. And praying for our family is probably one of the most important ministries we have.  But as someone who struggles with prayer, I can often get stuck. How do I pray for my family? And what sort of prayers actually make a difference? Satan wants us crippled in prayer. He…

Fighting Satan’s Schemes with the Gospel of Jesus
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Fighting Satan’s Schemes with the Gospel of Jesus

I’m excited to welcome Heather Hart from Candidly Christian to the Standing Against Satan series! She takes a powerful look at one of our greatest weapons against Satan’s schemes-the helmet of salvation, displayed in the gospel of Christ. Her post sheds Christ’s shining light of truth on Satan’s attempts to steal our attention.  Discontentment. Doubts….