Fighting the Battle Against Satan’s Attacks on Your Home
Today I'm thrilled to welcome Carmen Brown to the Standing Against Satan Series. She gives us an honest and powerful look at the battle that goes on within the walls of our homes and how we can take a stand against the Enemy's attempts to steal our peace and our joy. There is power in her beautiful words!

Do you ever feel like your marriage is faking success? That once the door closes behind you the smiles then turn in turn disappointment?
When in front of others at church or family it looks like you both have it together. You got the bigger house, the vehicle you drive fits exactly within your needs and wants, your bank account doesn't scream help but instead ready for the future.
Yet, the quietness between the walls of your home negatively shakes your world.
The situation doesn't only affect you and your spouse but the now entirety of the home. The children, the peace of the home, the ministry that is being built, and the dreaded feeling that what once seemed like a place for a war room is now a room of pity and sorrow.
I aimlessly walk room to room wondering how much more can I fill the walls with happy family portraits. The bare wall represents my heart. The empty white wall is a reminder of how bare I feel at that moment and I desperately want to fill it with a pretty sight. A sight that shows hope.
Which is exactly what happens every time we hit the pavement outside of the home.
You can almost say I am becoming a pro at what could be called deception.
I convinced myself I am honoring my husband and marriage by not going to others with our problems. I make myself believe complaining is just a form of a nagging wife. I think to myself, I need to tough it out and just pray more. Submit more. Humble more.
But where does that get the rest of them? How many more rooms will be filled in the home with no peace? What burden are we creating upon our children when we do this?
The Freedom of Christ comes with what we do within the walls of our home.
I have personally beared through a state of mind like this in my marriage and in my home. As a Christian women, it brings shame, and as a wife it is heartbreaking.
[bctt tweet="The Freedom of Christ comes with what we do within the walls of our home. #StandAgainstSatan" username="NicoleAKauffman"]
Emotions like this can take over a household, a family, and bring spiritual death upon you. It can bring condemnation that you are not fulfilling your position as a woman, wife, mother, and as a household authority figure.
What I thought was just only affecting me as a wife and my spouse was actually effecting every member of the family and every room in the home.
Every room became clouded with a dark presence as hopelessness chased through the house.
Every child was reacting in a form that not even they understood.
The load that was laying upon me was no longer only heaviness of marital issues but now I was straining to bypass the wall I would hit every time I entered my own home.
I knew it was time to to take a stand from what Satan was trying to do: Divide the house.
[bctt tweet="It was time to to take a stand from what Satan was trying to do: Divide the house. #StandAgainstSatan" username="NicoleAKauffman"]
The marriage was hit hard, the spouses were hurting, the words screamed brokenness. And next on Satan's list was to divide the house: that no room would be peaceful and that no person would survive it.
Through desperation, I found the strength to utter the words, “Lord help me, help this home that I know Your hand built, help my marriage and the children you have given me”.
I was reminded of this verse. A verse that we are to live by as Christian day to day, through every situation.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints -Ephesians 6:10-18
I had to stand up in my home and visually witness myself to put the armor of God back on myself piece by piece.
The helmet of salvation
The breastplate of righteousness.
The belt of truth.
The “shoes” that carried the gospel of peace.
The shield of Faith.
And the sword of the Spirit.

In our homes we can become comfortable. We come to think of it as a safe place, which isn't always bad.
But this is when and how Satan attacks - in our comfort zone.
The first thing we do when we walk into our home is kick off our shoes and become relaxed. Spiritually we can subconsciously do the same with our armor. Our close relationships with others and our home is safe. That is where the enemy will hit first and try to complete the job by harming everyone involved.
My marriage and home was and is my safe place. It was an easy target for the enemy. What first seems like is only touching our marriage is actually now attacking the children, the home, even to the extent of the generations after it.
Broken homes become a generational issue.
Putting my armor on in my home and walking room to room was the only way I was going to win the war.
[bctt tweet="Putting my armor on in my home and walking room to room was the only way I was going to win the war. #StandAgainstSatan" username="NicoleAKauffman"]
It was the only way I was going to be able to fight for the land that was given to me and my family by the Lord.
Today, I encourage to ask the Lord to show you where you when are not wearing the attire that will keep you ready and on alert to fight when it is needed.
Be willing to surrender yourself for a battle that will prosper your home and the generations after you.
Be confident of this; A readied warrior will scare the devil away!

Meet Carmen
Carmen Brown is the creator of Married by His Grace blog. She actively writes to women who are desiring to build their home with the word of God. Her passions involve staying connected with her family, drinking an immense amount of coffee daily, and developing content that will help and encourage new Christian Bloggers.

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I just stumbled upon this post and I am praising God for leading me to it! My home, my husband, and my marriage have been under attack for months, and now I finally am realizing that the enemy has moved into my home and it is time for war. I’m gearing up, sister, Satan can’t have this house!!
I am so glad I found this post last night. I have been with my husband since March 2010 and we were married Nov 2011. I have returned to my relationship with my God must faster than him. Not sure if there was much God in his growing up years. With speaking to a dear couple last night about some issues with him I want changed, they shared with me that satan has such a stronghold on him I will have to be the one to do battle.I am putting on my Full Armor of God and starting this battle today! To save my marriage, my frustration was getting the best of me.I will place him and all issues in Gods hands and tell satan to LEAVE!This article could not have been seen at a better time.
Michelle, I am so encouraged that you have revealed Satan’s schemes in your marriage and are standing up to fight! Thank you so much for sharing!
Very well said! It took me really realizing that the devil does work in the Christian’s life to learn and grow through my battle with anxiety and depression. It is still a battle that I fight at times, but now it see it for what it really is. Now I have the armor to fight it! Thank you for a great post!
What a beautiful, wise, and TIMELY piece. Thank you!
Carmen, THANK YOU!!
So timely is this post there are no words to express. I’m going to print this one to re- read and re-read!!
Thank you so much for this post, God’s timing is always perfect, just when I needed this. I am visiting you today from Heart encouragement link up, God bless you
Wow, this is such a good post. It’s so true how ‘comfortable’ we can become in our home and strip the armor off once we enter. It seems that in the homes, we are trying to fight physically rather than spiritually. And how when we walk out, we make it look like we are fighting spiritually. Absolutely love this! Thanks for the realness in this post.
Love the idea of walking from room to room with the armor of God. I once wrote Bible verses on the beams behind our walls before the sheet-rock went up. Anything we can do to bring that source of strength and shelter into our households! 🙂 Nice to meet you, Carmen. Thanks for sharing, Sarah and Carmen. ((hug))
Ack, I’m so sorry. You look like a Sarah to me, so I keep wanting to call you Sarah! So, so sorry, friend. ((xoxo))
Thank you Nicole for allowing me to guest post. It has been an honor to write for a blog that is full of His word and testimonies!
We have to be so vigilant about Satan’s attacks on our marriages. He seeks to devour and destroy.
Amen! I agree with Helene, the relative comfort of home begs us to lay down our armor. But the enemy isn’t taking any time off and neither can we. By the power of the Holy Spirit may we remain on guard against attacks on our homes, marriages, and families! Blessings!
I love the idea here that we are “safe” at home and so don’t think about keeping our armor on and fighting Satan here. We are so frequently unkind to people we love in a way we would never behave towards strangers!
Carmen, this is a great post. It sounds like we’ve fought similar battles. I’m glad that Nicole is featuring my battle story here soon. Blessings to you and your family.